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No. 3 with Anne Übersfeld

Fortune smiles upon the ready (and the lucky). A series of fortuitous serendipidies have come together not only to allow AS/SA to continue to grow, but to improve and flourish: While composing his doctoral thesis, studying in Paris on a special student exchange at the famous Ecole normale supérieure, Co-Editor Peter Marteinson was lucky enough to find that one of his two thesis directors, Prof. Paul Perron, would be there on sabbatical as well.

Prof. Perron and his wife kindly invited Peter to their apartment for dinner on more than one occasion (he is a superb chef), where one evening he was fortunate to meet Dr Anne Übersfeld (Univ. Paris III), who shares Peter Marteinson's interest in the theatre. After an enjoyable conversation, she kindly agreed to supervise an issue devoted to Theatre semiotics, and to write its introductory editorial.

Naturally, Pascal Michelucci's role as Co-Editor was in no way diminished: he and Peter further developed their system for working together over the waves of the web to prepare the current issue.

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